22 February 2011


This is my first post in 2011.
2011 is the year of pain for me. from starting in lying, broken heart, family problems, and finally make me move from Tangerang to Jakarta. and my school had to be disconnected for a while and just started back at june next month. so I must be patient to wait 6 months without doing anything at home.
everything I do just for a man who is actually quite often hurt me. why I want to do it all because he is the best able to understand how I and most cared for me more than my own family.
I really regret why I sacrificed my future. but for what to regret? it has occurred. life is a choice, and I have chosen. and I have to accept what I have selected. I think the problem that came to me this as a test for the mature self. and for learning to appreciate life.

so appreciate your life before you regret
what you've done